Small Groups Registration for Winter 2025 Error Adult 33.333333333333333333333333330% Complete Family Member to Register First Name First Name is required. Last Name Last Name is required. Email Email address is not valid Email is required. Mobile Mobile is required. Is there someone you want to be in group with or are you already in a group and have a group leader preference? If yes to either, please list leader name. If no, list NA. Is there someone you want to be in group with or are you already in a group and have a group leader preference? If yes to either, please list leader name. If no, list NA. is required. Preferred group type? Couples Men's group Women's groupPreferred group type? is required. Group type and Meeting preference: WEDNESDAY NIGHT GROUPS: on-campus Wednesdays from 6:30p-8pm. Dinner and small groups for Men/Women/Couples and Kids and Student programs provided also. Something for the whole family! TUESDAY NIGHT GROUPS: on-campus Tuesdays from 6:30p-8pm. Dinner and small groups for Men/Women/Couples. *No kids or Student programming provided* NEW BELIEVER'S CLASS: on-campus Tuesdays from 7:00p-8:00pm. For anyone who is newer to exploring faith. This class is an overview of God’s Story and His love for us as well as tools on how to grow in relationship with God and practical ways to read and enjoy the Bible. This class is also helpful if you are looking for a refresh or review! PRAYER FOCUS GROUP: on-campus on Tuesdays from 6:30p-8:00pm. For anyone that has a desire to be part of a weekly prayer group. OFF-CAMPUS SMALL GROUPS: off-campus at various days/times throughout the week (helpful if you can't make Tuesday or Wednesday nights). Group type and Meeting preference: is required. If Tuesday or Wednesday nights do not work for you, please indicate the days/times you are available by checking the boxes below: Monday AM Monday PM Tuesday AM Wednesday AM Thursday AM Thursday PM Friday AM Friday PM Preferred Age Group None 18-27 28-35 36-45 46-54 55-70 71-85 TC Kids "Ignite" program is for infants through 5th grades and includes dinner, super fun programming, and great teaching. All this for only $10 per child per week or $90 per child for the entire 9 week session. There is a $20 max per family per week. Need Financial Assistance, NO PROBLEM! Email Pastors Clarke at or Tony at Please enter the grade and name of children. Click the blue button to add more children. N/A Nursery Preschool Elementary Adult Kickoff Dinner and TC Kids Ignite Program Fees Select the number of kids (cost is for 9 weeks- dinner included): One Child ( $90.00) Two Children ( $180.00) Family Max ( $180.00) January 21 & 22 Kickoff Dinner- $5 per adult (Kids' dinner included in the Ignite program cost) Per adult ( $5.00) 0 Financial Assistance? Contact Pastors Clarke- or Tony- Next