Spring Refresh Series- 2025 Error The Spring Refresh Series is here!We are so excited for you to be part of the Spring “Refresh” Series of classes here at The Crossing! It's the perfect opportunity to sharpen skills, meet new friends and grow closer to God!Here is the info you need to know:Dates: April 2, 9, & 16 from 6:30-8:00pmDinner provided for $5 on the first night.Childcare costs: $10 per child, $20 max per family per week.On the next page, you'll get to register for one of these four classes:Refresh Your Parenting- Intentional Parenting with Doug Fields. A video series to explore the actions you can take to be an exceptional parent in a quick-fix world.Refresh Your Finances- "If Money Talked"- this video series, taught by Andy Stanley and facilitated by Jon and Liz Nelson, offers an approach to money management. Whether you have a lot or a little, are a spender or a saver, you'll find this class challenging, refreshing, and extraordinarily practical. Refresh Your Faith- whether you are a new believer or need a review, this class is for you!Refresh Your Bible- a TWO-week class- April 9 and 16th- Bringing an ancient story to life in the modern world. Topics include what’s in the Bible and learning to read it in the way it was written. How many people will you be registering? 1 Next